
Witch’s Grimoire Illuminating Poems, Rituals and Activities

A Series: Volume I Book of Prosperity

By practicing Kashmir Shaivism, a form of yoga, I acquired a psychic sensitivity that led me to experience the occasional vision. Several years ago, as I walked into Laurie Cabot’s Wiccan shop in Salem, Massachusetts, I had such a visionary experience. In my mind’s eye, I saw and smelled woods and plants growing, moss, ferns, and waterfalls. My vision was accompanied by the scent of earth and freshly fallen rain. I wondered why this experience did not repeat itself for a third time. I’ve lost it, I thought. To my surprise and wonder, the gift of the pen and poetry was given after I left the shop. Later that day, sitting at my computer, I heard many of these poems. Upon reading or listening to these books, you will encounter inspiring poems that will introduce an idea or concept. Each poem is followed by an activity or ritual that reinforces the idea in the poem and aids in the manifestation of good fortune and intentions. Sometimes a poem contains a ritual for you to extract and perform.